Exploring Cricket Betting at Parimatch: A Comprehensive Guide

Cricket rivals soccer in popularity and is only slightly inferior to it. This quintessentially English sport is especially popular in its homeland and the former English colonies.

Betting on cricket is no more complicated than betting on other sports, especially since the legal betting company Parimatch offers https://ca.parimatch.com/en/cricket a wide range of lines, allowing everyone to find an event to their liking. There are numerous different cricket championships and leagues. In terms of the number of rules and their diversity, cricket ranks first in the world.

A Little About the Discipline

Cricket is a team non-contact game played with a ball and bat. The aim of the match is to score more points, or runs, than the opponent. Players use a leather-covered cork ball and wooden bats. Teams alternate between serving and batting sides. The athletes of the attacking team take the field in full and play against two opposing batsmen who take the pitching positions.

The pitcher (bowler) of the fielding team delivers a throw from the outfield to the opposing batsman. Fielders use any available means to catch the batted ball and earn points. After six balls, known as an over, a bowler change occurs, and a new over begins.

Types of Cricket Betting at Parimatch in Canada

You can place a bet by selecting one of these categories:

On the Outcome

Tier 1 cricket includes matches that can result in draws, leading to a three-way outcome in Test matches. Draws don’t happen as often as in soccer, but the probability is relatively high and comparable to hockey. In the one-day and Twenty20 formats, bookmakers offer two-way outcomes with no possibility of a draw.

Double Chance

This type of bet is akin to outcome betting, with the distinction that it allows the consolidation of two potential outcomes at reduced odds. For instance, this could involve predicting the absence of a draw or ensuring that at least one of the teams will not face a loss.

On a Handicap

In handicap betting, you predict the advantage that one team will have or the disadvantage that the opponent will face. For instance, in test matches between strong teams, it is common to predict a forfeit (0).


Betting on the number of runs per match or for a particular segment – after 5, 10, 15 overs, and so on. These figures can encompass both overall totals and specific totals for each team.

Player Statistics

In top-level cricket, there are typically many opportunities for personal player achievements. Various indicators include the number of runs or 6-point knocks, and various titles at the end of the match – like the best batsman or the best player of the meeting.

Cricket is rich in different statistical indicators and secondary events. It will not be difficult to find Parimatch quotes on the number of runs or the best score of the first partnership in the lines for big matches.

Specific Betting Events in Cricket

Cricket offers some interesting specific events to place bets on. For instance, the "Mendis Over" is an exceptional situation where a batsman, usually in the middle of the match, makes only one hit but scores the maximum number of points – 36. Such a rare moment can make your bet exceptionally profitable, as these stories are remembered for a long time.

Additionally, you can test your luck in betting on individual player achievements, such as the "Golden Batsman" – determining the player who hits the most sixes (shots beyond the boundary for 6 points) in the tournament. This can be an exciting aspect of betting, as watching a player make spectacular hits is always interesting.

Strategic Betting in Cricket

Cricket also serves as a platform for sophisticated strategies. For example, bets on the "big three" allow you to determine the three best teams in the tournament, which can be challenging to predict, but if you guess correctly, you are guaranteed a significant win. These diverse opportunities make cricket an excellent arena for bets that combine expertise and luck.

In conclusion, cricket betting offers a variety of options that cater to both novice and experienced bettors. Whether you are betting on the outcome, player statistics, or specific events, understanding the game and its rules can significantly enhance your betting experience. Parimatch provides a reliable platform for exploring these betting opportunities, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all cricket enthusiasts.

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